Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Wish the Sun would Shine

 Well, the results are in. Nothing has changed. I am "stable." HA! Sorry, that was just funny to me. Anyway, there isn't much to say about the scan, other than the doctor relayed to me that that's pretty much all we can expect from these treatment pills. It will not shrink nor allow the tumor to grow. Hey, it's better than the alternative, right?

This past week was something else, I tell ya! I had the most awful pain in my side which required a lot of medication to keep it at it's lowest level of discomfort. I haven't medicated that much in a long time. It seems to have dissipated since yesterday and I'm grateful to prayer for that. While trying to battle that pain, I so unfortunately developed a boil. Yes--I said boil. If you've ever had one, you know what I mean.

Apparently, I've been sitting on my a** too long. What's a writer to do, stand and write? I just need to get up every hour or so. It was the most disgusting thing I've ever looked at but fortunately it didn't stick around too long--a few days and she finally blew. I know, it's not a pleasant thing to talk about and normally I wouldn't, but last week was just one of those where you just want to scream, be left alone, and hope it's all over soon. Thank God it was.

Normally, I would offer tips on some boil-ease, but I'm going to leave you to your own devices for that one. All I can say is...I hope you have your mommy!

Now on to book news. The edit is coming up so I have to make sure every word is the exact one I want in there. It may take some back and forth, but I'm hoping to still be able to submit to agents by July 1st.--maybe sooner. I'm not sure how long it will take, but I hope the book is out by winter.

I hope no one loses their interest. I may have to post another piece to keep you hanging. :)

Hope everyone has a blessed day. Sure would be nice to have some sunshine and warmth.

Take care and as always thanks for reading.

**Be careful how you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts.--anonymous

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