Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Book News

I figured I would post my overview of my last edit. Yes, my last edit. Yay! The only thing left to do is publish. I believe I am going to self-publish since I would have a hard time selling to either markets; Christian or "public." This way I do not have to change a thing, such as title or anything in the book they may not like. Self-publishing should only take a month, maybe two, depending on which company I decide to go with. Plus I have a few snags I have to take care of. So get ready people...you're about to get what you've been waiting for. :)


You have a great story to tell, and I hope people who are suffering and going through what you went through will read it. It’s one they won’t forget, whether they are going through addiction, abuse or cancer. It’s a story they can take with them, not just because the book is “short,” but because it will stay in their hearts for a lifetime.

You’re a very talented writer and really know how to convey emotion so it’s clear, completely understood and FELT.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to edit this.

Finally, I look forward to seeing this in print! Yay!


Sandi Rog

Editor: Inspiration for Writers


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