Sunday, July 27, 2014

Interesting stories, dates, and prayer-4

July 31-

If we look outside of some houses that are more than 150 years old, we can often see that at least one window has been bricked up. Why was this?

In 1696 the "Window Tax" became law-it was a new way of raising money for the government of the day. This was a tax on each window-the more windows, the more money had to be paid in tax. Wealthy people could afford to pay, and so they didn't have to block any windows. Poor people and the less well-off could not afford the tax. Their only option was to brick up a window or two and have less light in the house.

A week ago-24th July marked the anniversary of the repeal of the Window Tax in 1851.

Prayer: God our Father, it was Pope John the Twenty-Third who was speaking about the need to bring new life to the church.
To illustrate his point, he walked to his window and opened it wide, saying that fresh air was needed to blow away the cobwebs and to refresh the church.
Father, do not let us shut ourselves off from others, but may the windows of hour hearts and minds be open, so that we may be made new by your Holy Spirit and be influenced for good.
Inspire us, too, to let our light shine out, knowing that Jesus said that we are the light of the world.


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